
What’s does ‘Nomadic Outlander’ mean?

Welcome to The Nomadic Outlander


My name is Kat and you have made it to The Nomadic Outlander. Now you hear that name and you might just be asking yourself: ‘What does The Nomadic Outlander mean?’

Well, let’s first break the word down and find out:

Nomadic – adjective
no·mad·ic |   [nō-ˈma-dik]

Roaming frequently from place to place; wandering

Outlander – noun
out·land·er | [ˈau̇t-ˌlan-dər]

A foreigner; a person from another place or region

Popularized by Diana Gabaldon’s book of the same name, ‘Outlander’ details the journey of Claire as she finds herself in a foreign place, armed only with her knowledge and wit; the twist however is that the foreign place she ended up in was 200 years in the past! While I don’t plan on travelling into the past any time soon, I similarly find myself in new places, using my knowledge and wit to navigate them.

As I am always looking to explore another city, another country, or even another continent, I also find ‘nomad’ quite fitting. Nomads by definition are constantly wandering. The drive to ‘wander’ is one I think many of us can relate to. Even if we aren’t physically wandering someplace new, our minds are wandering, dreaming about how we can get there.

Putting these two words together, I find myself aptly described as a Nomadic Outlander. If you have found yourself here through your own ‘wandering’ journey, I hope you might describe yourself as a Nomadic Outlander too!

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