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    What’s does ‘Nomadic Outlander’ mean?

    Hello! My name is Kat and you have made it to The Nomadic Outlander. Now you hear that name and you might just be asking yourself: ‘What does The Nomadic Outlander mean?’ Well, let’s first break the word down and find out: Nomadic – adjective no·mad·ic |   [nō-ˈma-dik] Roaming frequently from place to place; wandering Outlander – noun out·land·er | [ˈau̇t-ˌlan-dər] A foreigner; a person from another place or region Popularized by Diana Gabaldon’s book of the same name, ‘Outlander’ details the journey of Claire as she finds herself in a foreign place, armed only with her knowledge and wit; the twist however is that the foreign place she ended…