The Ultimate Weekend Getaway Packing List you Need
Congrats, you have found the best Weekend Getaway Packing List! With many of us around the world staying more local in 2021, what’s better than a nice weekend getaway that is not too far from home? Weekend getaways are the perfect opportunity to explore those local gems that you never found the chance to do before. Whether that is a hike, a spa, or a museum nearby, now is the perfect time to be a tourist in your own area. When you’re packing your bags last minute for your trip, or even just double checking you have everything you need, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to see the…
What’s does ‘Nomadic Outlander’ mean?
Hello! My name is Kat and you have made it to The Nomadic Outlander. Now you hear that name and you might just be asking yourself: ‘What does The Nomadic Outlander mean?’ Well, let’s first break the word down and find out: Nomadic – adjective no·mad·ic | [nō-ˈma-dik] Roaming frequently from place to place; wandering Outlander – noun out·land·er | [ˈau̇t-ˌlan-dər] A foreigner; a person from another place or region Popularized by Diana Gabaldon’s book of the same name, ‘Outlander’ details the journey of Claire as she finds herself in a foreign place, armed only with her knowledge and wit; the twist however is that the foreign place she ended…